Welcome to English 110

This is our website for our English 110 class (Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11am-12:15pm)

In this site, you will find all you need for this course. All of our materials are available in the “Content” page, so that will be where you can check for any needed materials for this course. There are also links to these same materials from individual pages. For example, you will see Amy Tan’s essay “Mother Tongue” listed on the “Content” page under “Readings,” but you will also be able to access it from the individual course day page.

  • This class is designed to make you a better writer and thinker. We will contemplate how to reverse engineer arguments, craft our own arguments, and create beautiful & effective writing. The class is chunked into four phases–each with its own goal and major assignment. Each major assignment will go through multiple drafts before its ultimate completion. We will learn effective rhetorical strategies for discussing each other’s work and foster a community that will help prepare you for your academic and professional journeys. 
  • Optional assignments to earn extra credit will be given and made available at almost every opportunity. Please contact me, Brenna Crowe, at Bcrowe@ccny.cuny.edu with any questions or concerns.